Friday, September 28, 2012

Weekly Report: Week 8

Last weekend Lydia broke her arm.  She was riding in her Cozy Coupe in the backyard and it fell over.  I didn't see it happen, I just heard her cry more than usual when she was tipped over.  If you ask Lydia what happened, she'll say, "The car squished you [me]." (She has trouble with pronoun reversals.)

It was only a minor fracture and she's had to wear a splint all week, but should be able to take it off next week.  It did mean that I had to go to the ER twice in one week (once for Lydia, once for Adelaide).

Lydia finished Essential Math A!  She started it a little over 2 months ago.  I thought it would take us the entire PreK year to get through it.  She seems to understand almost all the concepts, and those that she doesn't will come up again soon.  I think we'll go ahead and just start Essential Math B and keep on trucking, taking it slow if we need to.

Miquon is still going well.  This week she used the rods to learn a little about addition.  She did her first few addition problems ever by "making 4" with the rods.

We continue to use the readers I made from the sentences in OPGTR.  Lydia can only ready four sentences or so before she loses all interest, so it is slow going.  But she is doing well.  We're also using ReadingBear still because she likes to and she willingly practices sounding out words if it is involved.

This was a big week for memorization.  Today, Lydia finished memorizing "The Falling Star," which we've been working on for a little over a week.  I think we'll start the Third Article of Faith next.  She also quickly memorized the four points of a compass and surprised me by already knowing all the planets in order.  I think she learned them from her Leap Frog Tag Solar System board, but it might also have been the solar system episode of Blue's Clues.  Either way, she knows them, so that was easy.

This week I got her speaking part for the Primary Program at church that is at the end of October.  I have no idea if she'll actually get up and give her part, but if she does, I want her to be prepared.  So we'll work on memorizing it. "Jesus Christ is the perfect example for me. My favorite story about Jesus is ____________."

As we finish up the memorization plan I laid out, I'm marking what we've done so far this year on this post. It's looking good, and I might need to find some more stuff before the year is through!

Harvest Time:
We didn't do anything this week.  With Lydia's broken arm and my laziness, it just didn't happen.  Luckily, it wasn't an exciting week (tractors).

Lydia did pages 13-15 of Color, Count, and Cut.  It is going much slower because it requires coloring every page.  I have seen a marked improvement in her fine motor skills over the last few months, so that's great.  I love seeing her progress.

She also has the name of the Renoir prints down now, including the French ones, so we'll continue to review them and I think I might get a book on Renoir from the library.


  1. awww poor little one! I hope she feels better really soon. I am suprised she was that calm mine would have been hysterical at that age!

    1. She was pretty ok with the whole thing, except she hates doctors. As soon as they came in the room, she'd start screaming. When they had to take the x-ray, she screamed the entire time. Overall, though, she was a champ. And luckily, it was her left arm and she's right handed, so the splint hasn't been too inconveniencing either.

  2. I hope your little girl's arm heals quickly! My oldest broke her wrist by falling off a chair at that age. I think they called it a green stick fracture. She wasn't happy with her cast at all. Anyway, looks like a good week in spite of broken arms!
